Federal officials refused to treat a diabetic immigration detainee'sgangrenous wound for more than two months, despite a stench so bad thatother prisoners staged a hunger strike to demand care for him, MartinHernandez Banderas claims in Federal Court. He says that when theagonizing infection became so serious that a doctor recommendedamputation, the USA discharged him from prison so it wouldn't have topay for it.
Hernandez Banderas was imprisoned at theImmigration and Customs Enforcement prison in San Diego. Among theclaims in his federal complaint are that 83 detainees have died incustody of the immigration service in the past 5 years, many of themfrom inadequate medical care.
Hernandez says his treatment wasso bad it constituted torture. He demands punitive damages. He isrepresented by Carol Doyle with Willoughby Doyle of Oakland. |